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About us

Just over five years ago myself and Tim Bailey founded Oil City Pickups to create high quality, affordable replacement pickups, hand made in East London. I’d been a gigging musician and guitar repair man for over 30 years, and Tim brought a ton of business knowledge from the software world.
With initially very primitive tools and resources, we started small. Now we export all over the world, from the USA to Australia and China.
We are still a tiny company, but have embraced technology, from our laser cutting equipment for pickup ‘flatwork’, to our pair of state of the art winding machines ‘Tweedledum and Tweedledee’!
Our philosophy has always been ‘stay accessible’, so you will always be able to speak to the person who wound your pickup, and technical queries won’t be handled by ‘tickets’ or FAQs … but by a real expert.
~ Ash
Oil City Origin
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